Thursday, October 22, 2020

Monday, October 19, 2020

What Makes A Quality Recount

My buddy Maddy and I discussed 10 important ways to make our writing better and more interesting.

Here are the 10 things we brainstormed together...

  • In your introduction it is important to answer the five w's who, what, where, when and why.
  • Include your senses; See, Smell, Hear, Feel and Touch.
  • Separate your brainstorming into different sections based on the topic of each paragraph.
  • Make sure your recount is in the right order. 
  • Maybe add a 1. 2. 3. planning so you remember what order your recount goes in.
  • Add rich language.
  • Make sure to incorporate feeling and emotion into your closing statement.
  • Try use time connectives.
  • Make sure to use correct punctuation.
  • Use nouns.
My goal for this term is to use more scientific words, use rich language and not make my writing so long and to make it shorter with strong words.